Knight Seeds is a family owned operation located in Hamiota, Manitoba, Canada. We are a pedigree certified seed producer and certified seed retailer that specializes in cereal, oilseed and pulse varieties. Seed cleaning, grain buying and producer contracts are a big part of our day-to-day operations. We purchase five yellow pea loads per week to supply our domestic and foreign markets and assist producers in marketing many other commodities. Knight Seeds offers seed treatment application as well as providing a wide array of the most popular seed treatments to purchase. As this industry continues to change, so must we in the types of products offered.
Knight Seeds has been a retailer of Meridian bins for almost forty years, specializing in smoothwall hopper bins. We have set up the option of leasing and provide a wide variety of used bins on site to choose from. In addition to the bins, Knight Seeds can also supply you with products from Convey-All, Farm King, and Meridian’s auger, conveyor, and fuel tank lines. Let us know if you’re interested in learning more about these products or come on site and we will show you in person!
Knight Seeds co-owns a facility at Laurier, Manitoba called LaurEx Seeds Ltd. which cleans, bags, applies seed treatment if applicable, and loads into containers for shipping. We have extensive experience both domestic and internationally, sending seed all over Canada, Asia, South America, Europe, and the U.S.