Since 1977 Real Industries Ltd. has been providing a range of manufactured livestock handling equipment to farmers across Western Canada and North Central United States. From panels and cattle feeders to squeeze chutes, alleyway, crowding tubs and portable systems Real Industries can make your job easier and safer. Empty or loaded the Real livestock trailer is one of the easiest pulling units on the Canadian market.
Because our products have been developed for use in the harsh and varied climates of Canada, attention has been paid to durability and reliability. This has been proven with sales and use as far north as the Yukon, west to British Columbia, east to New Brunswick and south to the northern states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, North and South Dakota as well as Montana.
Phone: 204-749-3000
Fax: 204-749-3010
Toll Free: 888-848-6196
112 King Street
Rathwell, Manitoba R0G 1S0
Company controlled yards
Mannville: 780-763-2400
Bowden: 403-507-1156